Thursday, July 9, 2009

making people feel better.....

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
i love this quote..... people may forget everything that we done but they never forget how we made them feel..... its important for us to make each other comfortable and making good friends... this is how a person really remember us and appreciate what we have done for them...
we may have lots of problem to face and go through a lot of sadness, but most important you have people beside you and really listen to you..... i will always remember everyone who have helped me on my tough times and my down side or meltdown.......... its hard to face it ourselves... its good to know there is someone that we can depend on....
most importantly, i have learned to depend on Him.... He is the best listener that i can have and a great helper.... He never leaves me nor forsake me.... He is the best...... well He also provide family and friends for us to depend on and know that they love us unconditionally as well.... just like He does........ hehe..... :)

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